Area of Activity according to Articles of Association

According to its Articles of Association, the area of the activity of Omran & Maskan Iran Company consists of the following:

  • Partnership and investment in the shares of construction and engineering consultation companies
  • Engagement in the construction of residential, commercial, and administrative complexes through investment, partnership, and other relevant ways
  • Investment in construction, industrial, manufacturing, services, sanitary, design, development, consultation, research, contract working, installation, road construction, airports, ports, and quays projects and other authorized activities
  • Cooperation with banks, companies, institutions, and organizations of both public and private sectors and with natural and legal persons in doing the following:
    • building and selling residential units
    • Partnership in construction or offering construction services to natural and legal land owners receiving fair interest and service charges
    • Drawing up and signing contracts for property construction in the lands owned by Mostazafan Foundation of Islamic Revolution and other lands
    • Constructing buildings and properties in lands with administrative or commercial usage and selling them
    • Engaging in activities pertaining to commercial transactions
    • Doing all other affairs directly relevant to the mentioned items